Denkars Getaway

Silk road to yellow town


Samdrup Jongkhar is situated in the southeastern part of Bhutan. It borders Tashigang to the north and Pemagatshel to the west. It is an imperative gateway into eastern Bhutan. Thus, Samdrup Jongkhar plays historic and geographic importance in the history of Bhutan. 

People from Mongar, Lhuntse, Tashigang, Tashi Yangtse, and Pemagatsel would walk to Samdrup Jongkhar ‘Gudama’ to buy a bag of salt and other essential items. Some old folks recall villagers heading down south in groups like people going for a festival.

Decades ago, Samdrup Jongkhar was the primary business centre for the people from the five eastern dzongkhags, weavers, and Sherubtse college students.  

Only the rich would ride ponies while the rest would walk under the full moonlight taking the now known as the ‘salt route.’ The weavers from the east would come to Samdrup Jongkar to trade their woven Kira. Bhutanese from other parts of the kingdom would also come to Samdrup Jongkhar for business purposes.

Khengpa from central (Zhemgang) would travel to Samdrup Jongkhar to barter silk with their bamboo baskets. So basically, Samdrup Jongkhar was a great Business town and a meet point for people from various regions.

Today with the completion of Gyelposhing-Ngamlam highway, once a bustling business hub has turned into a sleeping urban town. After recently travelling to Samdrup Jongkhar, my perception of the district has changed in a big way.

Although I explored very little as an aspiring traveller, I see great potential and resources in Samdrup Jongkhar to once again promote it as a tourist destination. Samdrup Jongkhar can offer spiritual, wellness tours, and eco-tour. We could even explore promoting dark tourism.

‘Dark tourism’ refers to tourism involving travel to places historically associated with tragedy. For example, the Battle of Dewangiri in Dewathang can be a great plot to learn about the history of Bhutan.

Things to do

Visit Chokyi Gyatso Institute (Jamyang Khenytse Lhakhang)

The Shedra is outstanding in its commitment to the environment and the community by collaborating with Lhomon Education (LME) and the Samdrup Jongkhar Initiative (SJI). The monastery is one of the first to declare a Zero Waste policy, encouraging the community to reconsider offering packaged biscuits and snacks.

The young monks at the shedra participate in a pilot project to develop alternative, holistic curricula, integrating art and the environment into the classroom. The students are taught the holistic curriculum, introducing them to the core concepts of the Dharma through interactive play, music, and arts.

The monastery is located on the hilltop. It is 18 kilometres away from Samdrup Jongkhar town. 

Salt route trek

Salt route trek was the ancient popular trek among Sharshops. Salt route trek is derived from the purpose the trek served before constructing the national highway from Tashigang to Samdrup Jongkhar.

The people from eastern districts travelled via this ‘salt route’ to take salt and silk from Samdrup Jongkhar. ‘Gudhama’ was a popular commercial hub for both Bhutanese and Bodos.  The five days trek will take you through pristine broad-leaved and pine forests with spectacular views of villages and mountains.

Visit Zangdopelri

The three-storied stupa is adorned with the work of the master Bhutanese craftsmen. Its intricate frescos and beautiful statues are indeed a sight to behold. Due to its religious events, the locals choose  Zangdopelri as the venue. With the 5th Royal Bhutan Flower Exhibition, the vicinity of  Zangthopelri looks extraordinarily beautiful.

Visit Dewathang and The site of the Battle of Dewangiri.

Dewathang literally means “flat area of happiness.” Dewathang is 18 kilometers away from Samdrup Jongkhar. Dewathang is significant due to historical events associated with the area during British rule in India in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

The last battle with the British was fought in Dewathang in 1884. Jigme Namgyal, the father of the first king of Bhutan, led the Bhutanese troops to put up a strong resistance against the British though he ultimately signed the Treaty of Sinchula with the British in 1865.

Oldest Cinema Hall

Samdrup Jongkhar hosts the oldest cinema hall in the country. It was popular among the Bhutanese and Assamese from across the border to watch Bollywood films.

However, today the cinema hall is used as the store for some shops. The oldest shop is located near the Mani Lhakhang in the heart of the town.

Memorial Well

Opposite to the roundabout towards the main town will see a traffic house harbouring a well. The well is not any ordinary water tank. That is the only well in Samdrup Jongkhar town that dates back to our forefathers’ time.

There is a beautiful story behind the well. It is actually the ‘Memorial Well’ built by Chabil Das Moth in 1962. Chabil Das was the father of Shiv Kumar Moth, the shopkeeper who owns the oldest shop in Samdrup Jongkhar town.

Back then, the local residents of Samdrup Jongkhar faced water shortages, dry seasons. Thus, as a charity to the community, Chabil Das Moth dug 12 meters well in the early 1960s.

Even today, during monsoon season, some local people fetch water from the well. In fact, some local people consider the water the holy water.

Visit Tashi Gongphel Dairy Farm

Tashi Gongphel Dairy Farm breeds one of the most expensive cows called Holstein Cattle in Dewanthang. Holstein cattle can produce 22 litres of milk every day.  Mr Kharka, the silver medal recipient from His Majesty The King, established the farm in 1992.

The farm is open to visitors throughout the day. The visit to a 10-acre farm will not only educate you about animal rearing, but it can be a great recreational activity. The farm grows mangoes and other vegetables. The farm is located on the way to Jigme Namgyel Polytechnic College, Dewathang.

Birding Safari

The lowland forests are vibrant and diverse, with varieties of birds. Target species include the rare dark-rumped swift, pied falconet, jungle babbler, large hawk cuckoo, pin-tailed green pigeon, wreathed and great hornbill, and puff-throated babbler.

As you head further north through the forested foothills towards Morong, the mid-altitude broad-leaved forest is home to an extremely special and beautiful nuthatch. Other exciting species you might encounter include black-faced warbler, grey-headed canary-flycatcher, striated laughing thrush, long-tailed sibia, silver-eared mesia, and Rufous-necked Hornbill, to name a few.

Visit Local Souvenir Shop

Buying local products is a powerful way to boost community agriculture, thus contributing to the local wealth. If you are looking to buy some authentic local products visit Kantali Hut, located inside the vegetable market. The shop also sells goods made by SamdrupJongkhar Initiative, like baskets and many more.


Active nightlife culture is found in Samdrup Jongkar downtown. Today there are two Karaokes and two Drawings. Drawing is a club where there are live dance performances. There is no discotheque or clubs in Samdrup Jongkar.

A visit to the places mentioned earlier is guaranteed to give the visitor a delightful night in the small town of Samdrup Jongkhar till midnight.

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